My review for The Power of Six
By Gina Seyb
Rating: *****
Age groups that might enjoy it: 11+ and my Mum
I think that ‘The Power of Six’ is an EXCELLENT book. This is the second instalment to ‘I am number 4’, the story is told by two people, Marina AKA number 7 and John Smith AKA number 4. This book starts off in Spain where a girl named Marina is hiding from the bloodthirsty alien Mogadorians. She has heard rumours about a “terrorist” wreaking havoc in Paradise, Ohio and suspects that he is one of her own people from the devastated planet Lorien. Meanwhile John Smith has just fled Ohio and is again on the run, along with Sam Goode and number 6. This book is action packed and introduces more characters each with their own intriguing stories to tell.
I really enjoyed the suspense and the fact that it switched between two different people. I could NOT put it down; the storyline entwines amazingly and continues smoothly, telling you a few more things that you wouldn’t even know about in the first book. I love the fact that the magic and power is mixed in with reality too because it makes it seem realistic and powerful. Roll on Book 3.
I hope that ‘Pittacus Lore’ keeps writing more fantastic books.